Geothermal Heating & Cooling : A True Home and Future Investment

There are numerous benefits to having a geothermal system installed. Geothermal systems can provide heating and cooling in one compact system. Geothermals can also be paired with a gas system to give you the choice in your heating source. Geothermals use constant ground temperatures as an energy efficient heat sink. With little control of electric providers and rate hikes this is an effective tool to improve your financial future. Planning to sell your house? Geothermal systems increase your home's value and speed at which it sells because of their benefits. To find out more information about geothermal heating and cooling, call Hulsman Refrigeration, Inc. today at (812) 634-1492.

Geothermal Heating Cable | Jasper, IN | Hulsman Refrigeration

Environmental Effects of Geothermal Heating & Cooling

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the DOE (Department of Energy) labeled geothermal heat pumps as the most environmentally friendly and cost-efficient way to heat and cool your home. Geothermal products do not burn a fuel in your home eliminating the risk of carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. We know your highest priority is to keep your home and family safe and comfortable - now you can do that and help the environment. Geothermals harness the energy the Earth has already, keeping the ground warm to use less electricity. WaterFurnace units are indeed a natural green way of life. 

The Benefits Of Installing Geothermal Heating & Cooling Equipment

It's hard to think of anyone who couldn't benefit from Geothermal Heating and Cooling Equipment at their home or office. Our WaterFurnace geothermal systems are among the most efficient, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly ways to heat and cool your home or office. 

With a WaterFurnace geothermal system, you'll get:

  • Lower Operating Costs
  • A WaterFurnace Geothermal heat pump works much more effectively than traditional heating and cooling systems.
  • Geothermal systems distribute air with precision, eliminating hot and cold spots all year long. 
  • Quieter Operation
  • Think of it: there's no loud outdoor unit!
  • Reliable Performance
  • Geothermal systems aren't subject to rain, snow, ice, debris, temperature extremes, vandalism, or theft given their indoor installation. 
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Property Tax Discounts

Geothermal For New Construction

Are you looking to build a new home? Now is the perfect time to install a WaterFurnace Geothermal system in your new home! You could easily roll the upfront cost into your monthly mortgage payment. The additional amount in your monthly payment is usually less than the monthly savings you will see by installing a geothermal system, so you'll be saving money! If you are looking at how to heat and cool your new home, installing a Waterfurance geothermal system is the right way!

Replace Your Existing System 

Is your classic furnace or heat pump about to die out? Or, do you want to get rid of your inefficient equipment before it costs you an arm and a leg? WaterFurnace geothermal products provide an intelligent alternative for replacing older or inadequate equipment in Jasper, IN. Most units are simple to install and can be installed in areas unsuitable for fossil fuel furnaces. There is no combustion or need to vent exhaust gasses which means our equipment can be installed virtually anywhere.

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